Our Indian Constitution // Constitution

Our Constitution:- Indian Constitution


Hello friends how are you?, I hope you will be fine.So, today we will talk about our Indian constitution.As you know Indian constitution is the largest constitution in the world. So without wasting a time let's start. 

 1. What is a Constitution?

Ans. A constitution is a system of fundamental principles according to which a nation, state, corporation or the like is governed. The constitution of a nation contains all the rules and regulations and defines the rights and duties of all its citizens and the functions and powers of all the wings of the government.

2. Who prepared the Constitution of Free India?

Ans. The constitution of free India was framed by the Constituent Assembly elected by the provincial assemblies in July 1946. It had 389 members in all, including 93 representatives of Indian Princely states. It contained some of the most eminent personalities of the time which included Jawahar Lal Nehru, Dr Rajendra Prasad, Sardar Patel, Dr B.R. Ambedkar, besides others. Dr Rajendra Prasad was its president.Dr. B.R. Ambedkar played the key role in framing the constitution and is known as the maker of our constitution.

3.When did our Constitution come into force in the country?

Ans. The Constitution was adopted and enacted by the Constituent Assembly on 26 November, 1949 but came into force on 26 January, 1950. This was the day when people's rule began in the country. Ours is a written constitution..

4. What is meant by Democracy?

Ans. A democracy is defined as a government of the people, by the people and for the people. India is a democratic country. The people elect their representatives who run the government for them. All of us, who are 18 years of age or above have the right to vote and elect our representatives to run the government. A representative should be 25 years of age or above. 

5.India is a Republic-What do you understand by this statement?

Ans. It means that India is not under any king or queen. Our head is a President who is elected by our representatives. If the President of India does not do his duties properly the peoples representatives can remove him from the office.

6.How many Units of Government does India have? 

Ans. India has been divided into 28 states and 8 union territorries and one National Capital Territory. Thus, our country possesses double set of governments. one at the centre and one each in the states and union territories and one National Capital Territory (Delhi) We can say that there are 36 units of government in India. The subjects of administration are clearly divided by the constitution between the union government whose seat is in New Delhi and the state governments. The Union or the Central Government has the President. Council of Ministers headed by the Prime Minister and the Parliament. The Parliament has two wings The Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha The State Government has Governors, Council of Ministers headed by Chief Minister and the State legislature having two wings, one or two houses as the case may be. If the state has only one House, it is called the Legislative Assembly (Vidhan Sabha) The other is the Legislative Council (Vidhan Parishad). At present only seven states have two Houses. They are Andhra Pradesh. Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Telangana and Uttar


7.What do you understand by the Preamble of the Constitution? Write the Preamble of the Constitution of India?

Ans. A preamble to a constitution is an introductory statement which normally expresses the purposes and goals of the Constitution It expresses the political. moral, economic and religious values which the Constitution is intended to promote

The Preamble of the Constitution reads as under: "WE, THE PEOPLE OF INDIA, having solemnly resolved to constitute India into a SOVEREIGN SOCIALIST SECULAR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC and to

secure to all its citizens:

 JUSTICE Social economic and political:

LIBERTY of thought expression, belief, faith and worship: 

EQUALITY of status and of opportunity, and to promote

among them all. 

FRATERNITY assuring the dignity of the individual and

the unity and integrity of the Nation. IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this twenty-sixth day of

November 1949. do HEREBYADOPT, ENACT and GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS CONSTITUTION The Preamble of the constitution of India points out that the source of authority of

the constitution and, therefore, that of the state is the people of India.

8. What are the sallent features of the Indian Constitution?

 Ans. The salient features of the Indian Constitution are -

  1.  It is the longest, written constitution in the world.
  2.  It consists of 22 parts, 395 Articles and 12 schedules (Originally there were 395 Articles and 8 Schedules) and an Appendix.
  3. It proclaims India a Sovereign Democratic Republic.. 
  4. It guarantees Fundamental Rights to all citizens of India.
  5. It incorporates Directive Principles of State Policy.
  6. It established the parliamentary system of government- Le, the President of the Union is the Constitutional head. the Council of Ministers or the Union Cabinet is the real executive and is responsible to the Lok Sabha.
  7.  It is federal in form (in normal time) but unitary in spirit (in emergencies). 
  8. It is neither too rigid (as some provisions can be amended by a simple majority) nor flexible (as some provisions require special majority in some cases at least two-third) for amendment. 
  9. It declares India a secular state.
  10. It guarantees single citizenship to all citizens.
  11. It introduced adult franchise i.e., every adult above 18 years has the right to (prior to 1989 the age limit was 21 years) and the system of joint electorates
  12.  It established an independent judiciary. The Supreme Court acts as a guardian of the constitution.
9.What do the parts III and IV of the Indian Constitution deal with? 

. Part III of the Constitution contains Fundamental Rights of the people while part IV deals with the Directive Principles of State Policy.

10.How many Fundamental Rights are guaranteed to an Indian citizen? Name them. 

Ans. Originally seven Fundamental Rights were listed in the Constitution. However, after the 44th Amendment in 1978 there are now only six Fundamental Rights

They are:-

  1. Right to Equality (Articles 14-18) This right guarantees equality before law, equality of opportunity in matters of public appointment and prohibits discrimination by the State on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex or place of birth
  2. Right to Freedom (Articles 19-22). This guarantees freedom of speech and expression, assembly, associations and unions, movement throughout India, residence in any part of India and the right to practice any profession occupation, trade and business.
  3. Right to Freedom of Religion (Articles 25-28). Cultural and Educational Rights (Articles 29-30)
  4. Right against Exploitation (Articles 23-24) includes ban on forced labour in a factory, mine etc.
  5. Right to Judicial Remedies (Articles 32-35)- Every citizen can move any court for enforcement of his Fundamental Rights 
  6. Right to Property (Article 31) used to be a Fundamental Right but was dropped from the list of Fundamental Rights by the Janta government on June 20, 1978 (44th Amendment Act 1978).

11.What are the Directive Principles in our Constitution?

Ans. The Directive principles are contained in Articles 36 to 51 (part IV) of the Constitution and are instructions to the State to undertake within its means a

number of welfare schemes for its citizens.

12.Is there any provision in the Indian Constitution regarding the duties of its citizens? 

Ans. Duties of a citizen of India were not included in the original constitution. These have been added by the 42nd Amendment in 1976. There are Ten Fundamental Duties.

Translation in Hindi 

भारतीय संविधान - प्रश्नोत्तर   


नमस्कार दोस्तों कैसे हैं आप?, आशा करता हूं आप ठीक होंगे। तो, आज हम बात करेंगे हमारे भारतीय संविधान के बारे में। जैसा कि आप जानते हैं कि भारतीय संविधान दुनिया का सबसे बड़ा संविधान है। तो बिना समय बर्बाद किए चलिए शुरू करते हैं।


प्रश्‍न 1- भारतीय संविधान सभा की प्रथम बैठक कब हुई ।

उत्‍तर - 9 दिसम्‍बर 1946

प्रश्‍न 2- स‍ंविधान सभा का स्‍थाई अध्‍यक्ष कौन था ।

उत्‍तर - डॉ. राजेंन्‍द्र प्रसाद ।

प्रश्‍न 3- संविधान सभा का अस्‍थाई अध्‍यक्ष कौन था ।

उत्‍तर - डॉ. सच्चिदानंद सिन्‍हा ।

प्रश्‍न 4- संविधान सभा की प्रारूप समिति के अध्‍यक्ष कौन थे ।

उत्‍तर - डॉ. भीमराव अम्‍बेडकर ।

प्रश्‍न 5- संविधान सभा का औपचारिक रूप से प्रतिपादन किसने किया ।

उत्‍तर - एम. एन. राय ।

प्रश्‍न 6- भारत में संविधान सभा गठित करने का आधार क्‍या था ।

उत्‍तर - कैबिनेट मिशन योजना (1946)

प्रश्‍न 7- संविधान के गठन की मांग सर्वप्रथम 1895 में किस व्‍यक्ति ने की ।

उत्‍तर - बाल गंगाधर तिलक ।

प्रश्‍न 8- संविधान सभा में देशी रियासतों के कितने प्रतिनिधि थे ।

उत्‍तर - 70

प्रश्‍न 9- संविधान सभा में किस देशी रियासत के प्रतिनिधि ने भाग नही लिया ।

उत्‍तर - हैदराबाद ।

प्रश्‍न 10- बी. आर. अम्‍बेडकर कहॉं के संविधान सभा में निर्वाचित हुए ।

उत्‍तर - बंगाल से ।

प्रश्‍न 11- संविधान सभा का संवैधानिक सलाहकार किसे नियुक्‍त किया गया था ।

उत्‍तर - बी. एन. राव ।

प्रश्‍न 12- संविधान सभा की प्रारूप समिति का गठन कब हुआ ।

उत्‍तर - 29 अगस्‍त 1947

प्रश्‍न 13- संविधान की प्रारूप समिति के समक्ष प्रस्‍तावना का प्रस्‍ताव किसने रखा ।

उत्‍तर - जवाहर लाल नेहरू ।

प्रश्‍न 14- संविधान सभा की रचना हेतु संविधान का विचार सर्वप्रथम किसने प्रस्‍तुत किया ।

उत्‍तर - स्‍वराज पार्टी ने 1924 में ।

प्रश्‍न 15- संविधान सभा में भारत के संविधान को कब स्‍वीकृत किया ।

उत्‍तर - 26 नवम्‍बर 1946

प्रश्‍न 16- संविधान को बनाने में कितना समय लगा ।

उत्‍तर - 2 वर्ष 11 माह 18 दिन ।

प्रश्‍न 17- स‍ंविधान में कितने अनुच्‍छेद है।

उत्‍तर - 444

प्रश्‍न 18- संविधान में कितने अध्‍याय है।

उत्‍तर - 22

प्रश्‍न 19- भारतीय सभा में कितनी अनुसूचियॉ है।

उत्‍तर - 12

प्रश्‍न 20- संविधान सभा का चुनाव किस आधार पर हुआ ।

उत्‍तर - वर्गीय मताधिकार पर ।महत्वपूर्ण फॉर्मूले एवं जानकारियां

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jai hind 

jai bharat 

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